You should be receiving an email with your registration details as well as a receipt.
Be sure to check any junk or spam folders. And, add the domain to your safe senders list.
Please look over your entries carefully and make sure all information is correct! If anything needs to be changed or corrected, please let us know as soon as possible.
To contact us:
Call (801) 568-2762
Monday-Friday, 10am to 5pm
or, email
- Scheduling begins at the latest approx. 2 weeks before the competition date.
- A thumb drive of the audio/video judge critique will be mailed to studios approx. 7 days after the competition. Soloists that registered independently will receive their judge critique via email. You will also have the opportunity to purchase videos of your routine(s) without the adjudication audio from Highlight Sports.
- Music for your routines can be sent to us ahead of time. Instructions on how to do this will be emailed to you.
- No refunds will be given after the deadline – February 18th, 2019.