As you read through the following Skill Level Rules & Regulations keep in mind that your team/group routine may “Spotlight” 1 to 3 dancers UP one Skill Level !!! For instance: If you have entered the Int. Level 1 skill level, you may “Spotlight” 1-3 dancers doing Int. level 2 skills. HOWEVER, you may NOT “Spotlight” dancers up a level more than 3 times within one routine. You may “spotlight” different dancers at different times throughout your routine, but you still may not have more than 3 “spotlight” moments regardless of who it is that you “spotlight” in the routine. You may spotlight as much as you would like at the level you have entered, .. you just can’t spotlight UP a level more than THREE times. AND only a maximum of THREE dancers may spotlight up a level (look at the chart below to determine the number of dancers you are allowed to spotlight). You can, however, spotlight at many dancers as you want at the SAME SKILL LEVEL as what you have entered in.
Spotlighting dancers – You may only spotlight 1-3 dancers or 35% of your team/group at a time… For instance:
- Team of 4-5 dancers = spotlight 1 dancer only at a time
- Team of 6-7 dancers = spotlight 1-2 dancers only at a time
- Team of 8+ dancers = spotlight limit 1-3 dancers at a time
TURN Clarification – Pirouettes and other turns that are done on ONE leg will be counted as follows: Turn rotations are counted by how many rotations you do on the “turning leg”. If you change to the other leg and continue to rotate the same direction, that counts as a second turn since you are now turning on a different leg. Rotations will be counted as they are executed on ONE leg at a time.
The Novice Category is for dancers/teams that are FIRST TIME competitors at the BEGINNING skill level.
This category MUST follow the same guidelines for BEGINNING level to avoid penalties.
The following skills may be performed at this level:
LEAPS: Front leaps — Side leaps — Stag leaps — Pas de Chats.
Not allowed: Back Leaps, Switch Leaps, Grand Pas de Chats, Barrel-Roll leaps (these are horizontal leap maneuvers where you spot the floor and ceiling).
JUMPS/HOPS: Tuck Hops — Straight Jumps –Axle Hops –“C” Jumps.
Not allowed: Firebird Jumps.
TURNS: Chaines — Piques — Pirouettes — Pencil turns — Attitude turns — Coupe turns.
*SINGLES of any type of turn are acceptable – HOWEVER the following turns are not allowed at this Beginning or Novice Level…
Not Allowed: Fouette turns or A la Seconde turns, Changing-Spot turns of any kind (changing focus to spot at different directions while turning), no Leg Hold turns, and absolutely NO Double turns of any kind.
KICKS: Kicks of all kinds are acceptable including tilt kicks.
LOCO-MOTOR SKILLS: Pas de Bourrees — Skip/Gallops — Walks/Runs — Chasses/Side Slides – Footwork.
The following skills may be performed at this level:
LEAPS: Same leaps allowed as Beginning Skill Level, plus — Back Leaps and Grand Pas de Chats.
Not Allowed: Switch Leaps, Barrel-Roll Leaps (these are horizontal leap maneuvers where you spot the floor and ceiling).
JUMPS/HOPS: Same jumps/hops allowed as Beginning Skill Level, plus — Firebirds — Tilt Hops – Renverses.
Not Allowed: Switch Tilts.
TURNS: Double rotations are allowed (check exceptions listed in red) – Chaines – Piques – Including Box Piques Pirouettes — Pencil turns — Attitude turns – Coupe turns – Single Leg Hold Turns. A La Seconde turns (Turns with leg extended in seconde position) are allowed, HOWEVER you may NOT exceed more than 3 rotations in the a la seconde position into a single or double pirouette.
NO MORE THAN 5 consecutive rotations of any combination of turns and No More than a Double rotation in any particular turn position, with the exception of an a la seconde turn. You may do up to three rotations in a la seconde.
*DOUBLE rotations in all types of turns are acceptable, EXCEPT for Leg Hold turns (must only do a single leg hold turn).
Not Allowed: Double Leg Hold turns, Fouette turns, NO More than 5 consecutive rotations in any combination of turns, No Changing-Spot turns (changing focus to spot at different directions while turning: exception – Pique or Chaine box turns are allowed), and No more than DOUBLES in any particular turn position.
KICKS: Kicks of all kinds are acceptable including tilt kicks.
LOCO-MOTOR SKILLS: All Footwork and Loco-motor skills (traveling skills) are acceptable.
The following skills may be performed at this level:
LEAPS: Same leaps allowed as Intermediate Skill Level I, plus –– Barrel-Roll Leaps and Switch Leaps.
JUMPS/HOPS: Same jumps/hops as Intermediate Skill Level I, plus – Switch Tilts.
TURNS: Any variety of turns are acceptable – TRIPLE rotations are allowed, plus – Double Leg Hold turns — A La Seconde turns and Fouette turns are allowed, HOWEVER – NO MORE THAN 5 Consecutive Fouette turn rotations. You can do a Triple turn out of the 5 fouette turns without receiving a penalty. Dancers Must NOT do MORE THAN 8 consecutive rotations of any turn combination.
Not Allowed …. No Changing-Spot turns, other than a changing spot “Box” Pique Turn. No More than 8 Consecutive turn rotations of any turn combination, No More than 5 consecutive Fouette Rotations.
The following skills may be performed at this level:
Anything goes!!! Changing-Spot turns – Quad rotations (or more) in any turn – Any combination of turns, leaps, kicks, jumps/hops, and locomotor skills is acceptable.
*** SOLOS/DUOS/TRIOS – Must follow the same Skill Level Rules as listed above to avoid Penalty.